Vacation Mode in Precoro

Turn on Vacation Mode before you go on vacation so that your colleagues know about your absence and the document workflow continues smoothly.


How to Enable the Vacation Mode in Profile Settings

1. Go to the Profile Settings page by clicking the Setting button on the top right of your screen.

2. Find the Vacation Mode tab.

3. Enable the Show me as away switch.

4. Now, you can set up the First Day and the Last Day of your absence. During this period, your username will be displayed, as shown in the preview below.

Vacation mode on

5. All set! After saving, your colleagues will be informed that you are out of the office.

You can assign a Backup Approver and Substitute User for when you are away, but your documents and work matters are transferred to other responsible persons so as not to slow down the process.

Assign the Backup Approver

This option is available for those users, who have any of the Approval Roles active.

To assign a colleague, press the edit button under the Backup Approver and choose available colleagues with the needed roles and access from a drop-down list for every step you need.

You can select the same user as a Backup Approver for different steps.

The Backup Approver will perform all approval actions with documents for when you are away.

In the document lists your backup user will have the Infocard. It will help manage the documents within the absent user’s account.

The backup user will receive full access to the absent user's reports, including the ability to edit and delete them.

Assign the Substitute User

You can assign both a Backup Approver and a Substitute User to ensure the workflow will not be interrupted when you are away. 

To be able to assign a Substitute, the replaced user must have either documents in Matching, Pending, or In Revision statuses. If the user has no documents that require action at the moment the Substitute User field selection will not be available.

The Substitute User can see all documents (including Approved ones) and work with them in Matching, Pending, and In Revision statuses. Also, they can manage the Supplier Contracts, more on this you can find in this article.

In turn, the Backup Approver can only approve documents but not perform any matching or revision actions.

For each company where this user is present, you can choose a Substitute from the list of those with the same roles and access in the needed company.

You can select the same user for different companies simultaneously.

When you are in Vacation mode, you will not be able to work with the documents and Confirm them.

Also, you can select a Substitute in case you are taking away Roles from the user. Please see the How to Assign Substitute When Taking Away User Roles guide.

How to Enable the Vacation Mode for Configurators from User Management

The company Administrators have access to set the Vacation Mode for users, this will help with quick resolution of document management if a user went on vacation and did not manage their replacement.

In the User Edit mode, the Configuration Role holders will be able to see and manage the Vacation Mode functionality by assigning Substitutes and Backup Approvers.

Additionally, if a user has already set up the Vacation Mode in Profile Settings, it will be displayed in User Management as well — changes are synchronized.

When the Original Approver Goes on Vacation, How Can We Designate a Backup Approver for Documents?

For each step of the approval workflow, users can assign a Backup Approver to handle documents while they are away.

Who is the Backup Approver? It is your coworker who will be granted temporary authority to approve or reject documents meant to be handled by you. Any employee with a relevant role can become a Backup approver.
Make sure the chosen Backup Approver has the needed roles and access to the Locations, Custom Fields for Items, and Custom Fields for Documents to be able to perform actions with your documents.

If the selected Backup Approver does not have the necessary access to the required ICFs, DCFs, or Location fields, then the document will not be processed.

As a result, even if one of the approvers takes time off, the document flow will not be interrupted. 

Follow these steps to assign a Backup Approver:

1. Turn on the Vacation Mode. Go to the Profile Settings page by clicking the Setting button on the top right of your screen. 

Find the Vacation Mode tab. Activate the 'Show me as away' switch.

2. Set up the First Day and the Last Day of your absence.

3. Click on the Edit button under the Backup Approver field. In the pop-up window, choose a substitute approver for each step of the approval workflow you have been added to:

  • Add as many backup approvers as you need for each step by clicking the Add button.
  • If you need to delete the backup approver from the step, press the Delete button next to the user’s email.
  • Assign backup approvers to every company you have access. Check out the first column to see the company name.

vacation mode

Press the Save button to keep the changes. 

Note that when you leave the Backup Approver field blank, there will be no substitute who will be able to approve documents during your vacation.

4. Press the Update button in the Vacation Mode tab to save the changes. All set! After saving 

  • Your colleagues will be informed that you are out of the office.
  • The backup approvers to whom you have assigned the approval steps will get an email about it.

How Will the Username Be Displayed while the User Is Away?

1. In the lists of documents:

2. In the filters:

3. On the document page:

4. On the Company Users page:

5. On the Approval Workflow page:

  • Without assigned Backup Approvers

  • With assigned Backup Approvers

6. In the comments:


1. Will I get any email notifications after turning on the Vacation Mode?

No, you will not receive any email notifications during the period you set up on the Vacation Mode tab. Enjoy your days off!

2. When will I start getting notifications again?

Email notifications will resume after the last day of your vacation is over.

3. Do I need to turn on the Vacation Mode in every company I have access to in Precoro?

No, the Vacation Mode is turned on in every company you have access to in Precoro.

4. How should I assign Backup Approvers in every company I have access to in Precoro?

You can choose backup approvers for each approval step in each company you have access to in Precoro. 


5. What can the Backup Approver do with the documents of the original Approver while they are away?

The backup approver will be temporarily able to approve or reject documents instead of the original approver while they are away. 

It will be documented on the document page and in the reports.

As soon as the original approver has returned from vacation, the backup approver cannot approve the documents of the original approver.