General FAQs

Q: How can I reset my password?

A: Go to the Login page → Forgot password? Enter your email, check your mailbox, and click on the link in the received letter to reset your password.

Please note: You can request a new password once in two hours.


Q: How can I edit a user’s email?

A: You cannot edit someone else’s email; users should do that themselves. Therefore, please ask the user to go to Profile Settings, enter a new email, and press the Update button to save changes. 


Q: I can’t invite a user and get the following notification: “ already used in Precoro. Please enter another email.” What should I do? 

A: Go and check if there is a user with the same email in your account.

Open the User Management section and Filter by email address, and for the Active field, choose NO → click Filter. If there is a user needed, it is disabled, and you should only enable it.


Q: How can I upload a logo to Precoro?

A: Go to the Basic Settings page, click the Change Logo button, download the file, and press Update.

Q: How do you delete a user from the approval step?

A: Go to ConfigurationApproval Workflow, press the cross → Yes.

Please note: It is not possible to remove the user from the approval workflow if already created documents await their approval.

Q: How do you change the user’s roles?

A: Go to the User Management page → press the Edit button opposite the user’s name. On this page, you can change the user's info, roles, etc.


Q: How do I delete a user?

A: 1. Go to the User Management page → find the user you need to disable → press the Edit button.

  1. In a popup window, switch an enabled button to OFFUpdate → choose a substitute user.

Please note: All documents with Draft status created by this user will be deleted. However, other documents pending/matching/approved/completed will be passed to the substitute.


Q: I can’t see a document. How do I sort this out?

A: To see the necessary documents, please contact your admin or go to the User Management and ensure you have the necessary roles for the specific locations and departments/projects.

To be able to see the documents from other creators, you should have an approval role for these docs.

It does not mean that the user becomes an approver automatically. This role just gives them access to all the documents of their locations and departments, and it is possible to add the user to the approval flow, but not required.


Q: If a person left the company, or you want to pass the old documents to another person, you can delegate responsibilities. 

A: You can disable this user by choosing a substitute for the person who left the company. In this case, all documents will be assigned to the substitute. Please read this article to know more.

However, if you want to pass the old documents to different users, you can manually delegate them. Please follow this link to learn more.


Q: How do you import items to the Catalog?

A: Open the Item Management page → Import Items → download a template → fill out all the required info → save the file and upload it to Precoro.


Q: How can I delete an item from the Catalog?

A: You can remove an item from the Catalog if it has not been used in the documents yet. To do that, you should go to the Item Management page, press the Red Bin icon next to the product, and click Confirm.

If an item has already been used, you may hide it, so it will not be visible in the Catalog anymore,* and it will not be available in the documents. To hide an item, open the Item Management page → press the Edit button → tick the Hidden checkbox → Save.

*If necessary, you may find the hidden item by using the filter Hidden (this is the only way to see it). 


Q: How can I order a specific item that I cannot find in the Catalog?

A: You can add such an item by clicking the Empty Row button on the document page.


Q: How do you hide items from the Catalog in bulk? 

A: Go to the Item Management page → press Update Items, and download the file by Category (select the one you need) or Supplier → open the file, find the items you want to hide, and in the Hidden column, replace “0” with “1” for them → save the file and upload it back to Precoro.


Q: Can I export the list of suppliers or item catalog?

A: Yes, for that, you need to download a catalog by Category or Supplier. To do it, open the Item Management page → press Update Items, and download the file by Category (select the one you need) or Supplier.


Q: How can I add a vendor?

A: Open the Suppliers Management page → press Add Supplier → add all required info → Create. Additionally, you are able to import all your vendors in bulk.


Q: How do you import suppliers in bulk?

A: Open the Suppliers Management page → Import Suppliers → download a template → fill out all the required info → save the file and submit it to Precoro.

Q: How do I delete a Purchase Requisition?

A: If you are the person who created a Purchase Requisition, you should see the Delete button if it has Draft status. 

Once a Purchase Requisition is Confirmed, there is no way to delete it, only to cancel it.


Q: How do you delete a Purchase Order?

A: You can delete your PO only while it is in Draft status. If the PO is confirmed, it can only be canceled but not deleted. Your canceled orders will remain on the list of your POs so you can repeat them at any time.


Q: How do you delete an item from a Purchase Order?

A: To delete an item from a PO, click the Revise button → find the Remove button, and click it → Remove?Yes.

Please note that you can delete or edit items only if there are no related documents created (receipts or invoices).


Q: How can I cancel an already confirmed PO?

A: To cancel a PO, first, you should cancel all related documents if any. Cancel payments for the current PO → Cancel invoices and Receipts for it. Then, you will be able to cancel the PO.


Q: I have made a mistake while creating a PO. Can I edit it, or do I need to delete the whole PO?

A: It is not possible to delete the PO after you have confirmed it, you can just click the Cancel button. However, if you need to edit info about an item, there is no need to delete the whole PO; you may change the price to the one you need by clicking Revise.


Q: I pressed Revise a PO by accident. What should I do to go back?

A: Just click the Confirm button. 

Please note that the PO will be sent for approval again, even if it is already approved. Thus, just leave a short comment for the approvers that it was unintentional and there are no changes.


Q: How can I change locations in PO?

A: To change locations, you should do the following:

  1. Click the Revise button (it is available for the issuer or approvers of the document only).
  2. Press Edit Purchase Order → choose another location → SaveConfirm.

Please note: The PO will go through the Approval Process again.


Q: How do you create a budget for a specific location?

A: Go to BudgetsCreate → enter your new budget’s data, and specify the location of this budget on the right side of the screen.


Q: Is it necessary to assign budgets to POs?

A: No. If you would like to create your POs without budgets, you can disable this requirement. Go to ConfigurationBasic SettingsBudgets and deactivate the Required Budgets field  → Update.


Q: I do not see a report with the necessary fields for me in Reports by Precoro. What can I do?

A: You can create a Custom Report: Name the report → select the document Type → select all the columns you need to see in the report (you can also use the Search field).


Q: I have created the wrong Custom Fields for Items/Documents. How can I delete them?

A: If you have created the wrong Custom Fields for Items/Documents, you just need to disable them. 

To do this, go to ConfigurationCustom Fields for Documents→ select the CFI/CFD you want to delete → switch the enabled button to OFF.

In this case, they will not be visible anymore and will not be available in documents. 

However, they will still be in Precoro (though not available anymore), so if needed, you can find them using a filter (in case you need to reactivate one, for instance). 


Q: How do I delete options in Custom Fields for Items or Documents?

A: It is not possible to delete used options in documents. The only way is to disable them. To do that, please deactivate the related boxes near these options/sub-options → Update.


Q: Why can’t I delete Custom Fields for Documents?

A: You may not be able to disable a CFD if it is already used in the budget and participates in the approval workflow. 


Q: Where can I add the discount % to Items?

A: Open the document and click the Edit button → go to the Discount column → enter the discount you need → save the discount.


Q: Can I add a discount to the whole document?

A: Yes, you can. First, check if the discount feature is activated. To do this, go to the Basic SettingsMISC → make sure that it is active. 

Then, open the document which is to be discounted → click “+” to add a discount field → enter the discount name and the value in %  → Save changes → press Confirm.

Once done, Precoro will automatically calculate the discounts before taxes and show the total discount sum per item and document.


Q: How do you create a Credit Note?

A: To create a Credit Note, you need to find a particular Invoice in Precoro and press Create Credit Note → choose the items you want to add to the Credit Note and select the payment date and the issue date → put the notes if necessary and press Create.

Now, you can edit the info about your items and when done, press Confirm.


Q: How does a supplier submit an RFP following the email invitation?

A: To submit a proposal, a supplier should follow the next steps:

  1. Use the Edit button to provide your price for each item.
  2. Specify the estimated delivery date.
  3. Attach any necessary files or notes.
  4. After all prices have been provided, submit your proposal by pressing Confirm.


Q: Why was the order not delivered on time?

A: We do not have this information. Please clarify this information with the Supplier. If your Supplier is using the Supplier Portal, you may leave a comment to the Supplier directly in your order. If not, contact them using the contacts listed on the Supplier’s card.


Q: Is there a mobile version of Precoro?

A: Precoro is optimized for mobile devices, so you can easily use it via browsers on your smartphone. Also, you can approve the documents in email notifications. However, there is no mobile app for Android or iOS for now.


Q: What is the difference between a Shipping Address and a Warehouse?

A warehouse is a place where all your items are stocked. Meanwhile, a location is a shipping address where the Supplier should deliver the goods (it will be displayed on a PO).


Q: What is the difference between Net Total and Gross Total?

Net Total is an amount without any deductions. Meanwhile, Gross Total is a sum including deductions (e.g., taxes or discounts).