Find the answers to common questions regarding Precoro.
- User Profiles and Access
- Suppliers and Items
- Purchase Orders and Requisitions
- Budgets
- Custom Fields
- Other Questions
User Profiles and Access
Q: How can I edit a user’s email?
A: A user or someone with access to their profile can change the email address in Profile Settings. Review this article for a detailed guide. Also, users with the Super User role can change other users’ emails in Configuration — User Management.
Q: When trying to invite a user, I get the following message: “You already have the user with the same Email value.” What should I do?
A: If you get this message, but the user is not shown on the list on the User Management page, the profile may be deactivated.
To check that, open the User Management page, enter the email address in the search bar, and set the value of the Active filter to No.
When you see the profile you need, follow this guide to reactivate it.
Q: How do you delete a user from the approval step?
A: Go to Configuration — Approval Workflow and select the workflow you want to modify. Find the user you need to remove, click the cross icon, and confirm.
Please note: the approver you want to remove may be the only one who can approve the pending documents. If so, you’ll see a notification listing those documents. Update the approval workflow accordingly before removing the approver.
Q: How do you change the user’s roles?
A: Users with the Configuration role can change other users’ roles. To do so, open the User Management page, find the user whose roles you want to change, and press the Edit (pencil) button in the Action column on the right.
You can manage roles in the Roles tab.
Q: How do I delete a user?
A: To completely restrict a user from accessing the Precoro system, deactivate their account as described in this article.
Since it is necessary to retain data associated with the user’s account, it is impossible to delete the user completely.
Q: I can’t see a document. How do I sort this out?
A: Several options can prevent you from viewing a document:
- You may not have access to a location specified in the document.
- You may not have access to a custom field in the document (e. g. Department or Project).
- You may not have a required role.
To see documents created by other users, you need the Approve role for all types of documents you need to view. Note that the user with the Approve role has to be included in the Approval Workflow to access the approve and reject actions.
Contact your admin or (if you have the Configuration role) go to the User Management page and ensure you have the necessary roles and access to specific locations and custom fields.
If you do not see the needed document when trying to create a related document, the View Only Self-Created Documents setting may be activated in your company. Learn more about this option here.
Q: How can I delegate responsibilities if a person leaves the company?
A: When someone leaves the company, you can deactivate their profile in Precoro and choose a substitute user. In this case, the first user’s documents will be assigned to the substitute. Learn more about setting up a substitute here.
Suppliers and Items
Q: How can I delete an item from the Catalog?
A: Users with Suppliers and Items roles in Precoro can delete or deactivate Catalog-added items. You can delete an item if it has not yet been used in documents; otherwise, you can deactivate it, and it will not be displayed in the catalog. Learn how to delete/deactivate items individually and in bulk in this article.
Q: How do you hide items from the Catalog in bulk?
A: Go to the Item Management page, press Update Items, and follow the instructions to download the current list of items. In the downloaded table, find the Inactive column and set the value to “1” for the items you need to hide. Save the file and upload it back to Precoro. Learn about the process in more detail here.
Q: Can I export the list of suppliers or item catalog?
A: To export the list of suppliers, go to the Supplier Management page and press the Update Suppliers button on the top right. Select whether you want custom fields displayed by their names or codes, then press Download.
To export the item catalog, go to the Item Management page and press the Update Items button on the top right. You can choose a specific category or supplier if you do not need the entire catalog or leave these fields empty. Then, press Download to export the list.
Please note: you need a Suppliers and Items role to access these pages.
Q: How can I add a vendor?
A: The Supplier Management page offers several options to add suppliers:
- Press Add Supplier to create a new vendor and fill out their details yourself.
- Press Invite Supplier to send an invitation form.
- Press Import suppliers to import vendors in bulk.
You can also add suppliers from documents. Learn more about adding and managing vendors here.
If you use the Supplier Portal, you can invite vendors to the portal as described here.
Purchase Orders and Requisitions
Q: How do I delete a purchase requisition?
A: If you created a purchase requisition, you should see the Delete button while the PR is in Draft status.
Once a PR is confirmed, you can cancel it instead of deleting it. Then, you will need to enter a comment with the cancellation reason, and the requisition will remain on the list of documents with the Canceled status.
Q: How do I delete a purchase order?
A: If you created a purchase order, you should see the Delete button while the PO is in Draft status.
If the PO is confirmed, it can only be canceled. Your canceled orders will remain on the list of your POs so that you can repeat them anytime.
Q: How do I delete an item from a purchase order?
A: The purchase order initiator or approver can click Revise in the action panel and click Delete (red bin) in the item line they want to remove.
Please note: you can delete the items from a PO if they are not added to related invoices and receipts.
Q: How can I cancel an already confirmed PO?
A: You can cancel a PO using the Cancel button in the action panel if there are no related invoices, receipts, or payments. If there are, cancel the related documents and payments first.
Q: I made a mistake while creating a PO. Can I edit it, or do I need to delete the whole PO?
A: You can edit the PO freely when it is in Draft status. After confirming it, you can still edit some document fields after pressing the Edit Purchase Order button in the action panel. To change any document field or ordered items, Revise the document. Learn more about editing purchase orders here.
Q: I pressed Revise a PO by accident. What should I do to go back?
A: Click the Confirm button. If there are no changes, the re-approval process will not be triggered.
Q: How can I change locations in PO?
A: To change the location, you should do the following:
- Click the Revise button (it is available for the issuer or approvers of the document).
- Press Edit Purchase Order, choose another location, and Save the changes.
- Confirm the revised document.
Please note: changing location restarts the approval process.
Q: How do you create a budget for a specific location?
A: When creating a budget, you can specify locations for every budget line. If the same location is selected for every budget line, the budget will only be available for this location. Learn more about creating budgets here.
Q: Is it necessary to assign budgets to POs?
A: To create POs without budgets, you can turn off this requirement. Go to Configuration — Basic Settings — Budgets, deactivate the Required Budgets field, and click Save.
Custom Fields
Q: I have created the wrong Custom Fields for Items/Documents. How can I delete them?
A: If you have created the wrong Custom Fields for Items or Documents, you can disable them by following these steps:
- Open the Custom Fields for Documents or Custom Fields for Items page from Configuration.
- Open the custom field you want to delete in editing mode.
- Set the Enabled switch at the top of the page to Off.
- Press Update at the bottom of the page.
Disabled fields will not be available in documents, but you can reactivate them if necessary. Find more information in our guides on managing Custom Fields for Documents and Custom Fields for Items.
Q: Why can’t I delete Custom Fields for Documents?
A: You cannot disable a custom field for documents if it is included in a budget.
Other Questions
Q: How can I reset my password?
A: Go to the Login page and click the Forgot password? link. There, enter your email and press the Reset password button. After that, you will see an email in your inbox (if you do not, check the Spam and Junk folders); click the Reset password button in the received email.
If you need to use this function again, ensure at least 2 hours have passed from the previous reset.
Q: How can I upload a logo to Precoro?
A: Go to the Basic Settings page (Information tab), click the Upload logo button, upload the image from your device, and press Update. You can upload your logo as a .jpg or .png file up to 25MB in size.
Q: I do not see a report with the fields I need in Reports by Precoro. What can I do?
A: You can create a Custom Report. Learn how to do so here.
Q: Why was the order not delivered on time?
A: Please clarify this information with the Supplier. You can contact them via the means specified in the supplier card. If the supplier is registered in the Supplier Portal, you can also leave a comment in the Suppliers Comments section in the PO. The supplier will receive an email and see your message in the portal.
Q: Is there a mobile version of Precoro?
A: The Precoro Mobile App gives you access to the system's main functions, and we actively update it to bring new features. The app is available for download on Google Play and App Store.
Q: What is the difference between a Shipping Address and a Warehouse?
A shipping address is an address to which you may want items delivered; it can be a warehouse, an office, or any other location. You enter a shipping address when creating a new location, and it is displayed in documents with this location selected.
The warehouses you add in Precoro are used for inventory management. When creating a warehouse, you can specify the locations that have access to it. Learn more about how to set up the inventory and create warehouses.
Q: What is the difference between Net Total and Gross Total?
The gross total is calculated including taxes, unlike the net total. Refer to our guides for detailed information on how document totals are calculated in purchase orders, blanket purchase orders, and service orders.