Vacation Mode in Precoro

Learn how to enable Vacation Mode in Precoro to keep your colleagues informed about your absence. Assign backup approvers and substitute users so that the document workflow continues smoothly while you're away.


How to Enable Vacation Mode

You can enable Vacation Mode in two ways: through Profile Settings or the User Management page.

Option 1: Through the Profile Settings

  1. Go to the Profile Settings page. Profile Settings
  2. Open the Vacation Mode tab.
  3. Enable the Show me as away switch.
  4. Select the First Day and Last Day of your absence. During this period, your username will be displayed as shown in the preview below.
  5. If you have an active approval role, assign a Backup Approver: click the Edit button under “Backup Approver” → select one or several colleagues with the needed roles and access from a drop-down list for every step and company you need → Save. 

You can select the same user as a Backup Approver for different steps. The Backup Approver will perform all approval actions while you are away. 

💡Please note: If the selected Backup Approver does not have access to the required CFIs, CFDs, or Location fields, they will not be able to process your documents.

If you leave the Backup Approver field blank, no colleague will be assigned to approve documents during your absence.

 6.   If you have documents in Matching, Pending, or In Revision statuses, set a Substitute User to keep workflows moving without delays: click the Edit button under “Substitute user” → select an available colleague → Save.

The Substitute User will be able to view and manage your documents while you are away.

 7.   Click Update to record the changes.

Option 2: Through the User Management page

To ensure smooth document management, Company Admins and users with Configuration roles can enable Vacation Mode for others if they forget to set it up before leaving:

  1. Go to the Configuration page → User Management.
  2. Locate the user → click Edit.
  3. In the Vacation Mode tab, enable the Vacation Mode toggle.
  4. Set up the From … to … date range in the top right corner → assign substitute users and backup approvers.
  5. Click Update to save the settings.

💡Please note: If a user has already enabled Vacation Mode in Profile Settings, it will be displayed in User Management, and any changes will be synchronized.


Backup Approver vs. Substitute User

A Backup Approver is a colleague temporarily authorized to approve or reject documents on behalf of the original approver.

The Backup Approver assignment option is available only for users with any active approval roles. You can assign the same person as a Backup Approver for multiple steps across different companies in Precoro.

Once assigned, the backup approver will:

  • Have the authority to approve/reject documents on your behalf.
  • Have full access to your reports, including editing and deleting rights.
  • Be able to approve documents but not perform matching or revision actions.
  • Receive an email notification and a corresponding infocard in document lists:

Backup Approver Infocard

To assign a Substitute User, the user being replaced must have documents in Matching, Pending, or In Revision statuses. If no documents require action, you won’t be able to select a Substitute User.

You can assign substitute users for each company where the replaced user is present, choosing from colleagues with the same roles and access. Check out the first column to see the company name: 

Multiple Companies

Once assigned, the substitute user will:

  • Be able to see and manage all documents (including approved ones) in Matching, Pending, and In Revision statuses.
  • Have access to manage Supplier Contracts. Learn more here.
  • Receive an email notification and a corresponding infocard in document lists:Substitute User Infocard

Additionally, you can select a substitute if you are removing roles from a user.  Check the How to Assign a Substitute When Taking Away User Roles guide.

Backup Approver vs. Substitute User Comparison Table


Backup Approver

Substitute User

Can be assigned regardless of document status

❌ (Only if documents are in Matching, Pending, or In Revision statuses)

Approves documents


Matches and revises documents


Manages Supplier Contracts


Assigned per approval step


How Precoro Shows Your Username While You’re Away

Here’s how your username will appear in different Precoro sections once your vacation starts: 

In document lists In document lists
In filters In filters
On the document page In documents
On the Company Users page On Company Users page
On the Approval Workflow page with assigned backup approvers Approval Workflow with BA
On the Approval Workflow page without assigned backup approvers Approval Workflow without BA
In comments In comments


Will I receive email notifications after enabling Vacation Mode?

You will not receive any email notifications during your vacation period. Enjoy your time off!

When will I start receiving notifications again?

Email notifications will resume after your vacation ends.

Do I need to enable Vacation Mode for each company separately?

No, enabling Vacation Mode applies to every company you have access to in Precoro.

What actions can the backup approver perform while the original approver is away?

The backup approver can approve or reject documents on behalf of the original approver. These actions will be recorded in the document history and reports. Once the original approver returns, the backup approver loses the ability to approve documents for them.