User Roles

All User Roles are divided into identifiable categories. Each category allows for the control, monitoring, and/or changes within a particular document or functionality. There are seven of them:

1. Configuration Role

2. Suppliers and Items Management Role

3. Creator Role

4. Approver Role

5. Payment Role

6. Budget Role

7. Report Role

8. Super User Role.

There are four types of access Users can have for the documents:

  • View only — allows users to view and comment on all the documents created by other users within available locations/departments. Learn more about working with this role in Precoro here.

  • Create — enables document creation and access to the related module. Learn more about working with this role in Precoro here.

  • Approve  allows to set up a user as an approver and to view all documents created by other users within available locations/departments. Learn more about working with this role in Precoro here.

  • Pay — enables payments and prepayment creation. Allows to see all invoices and expenses in the Pending and Draft Statuses available to users according to their CFDs and Locations access.

You can also track the last changes made by the Last update on, in the top right corner of the User’s card:

1. Configuration Role

Users who have Configuration Roles can set up basic settings and create approval workflows.

They can set up: 

2. Suppliers and Items Management Role

Supplier management allows users to do the following:

  • Add vendors to the Precoro account and enter their information into the system 
  • Create and update prices in the items catalog
  • Manage categories and item units 
  • Create Item Groups and Item Bundles (if needed for the company purchase process) 
  • Save and store any contracts with suppliers 
  • Track the contractual period and terms.


3. Creator Role

Users with Creator Roles are permitted to create and edit the following documents:

  • Purchase Requisitions
  • Purchase Orders
  • Invoices
  • Receipts
  • Expenses
  • Warehouse Requests
  • Requests for Proposals.

Creators are the first users to generate the document needed for processing approval.

For example, in Precoro, the Creators of Purchase Orders are purchase managers, the Creators of Invoices are accountants, and the Warehouse Managers create Warehouse Requests.

4. Approver Role

Essentially, the Approver Role enables a user to view all the documents created in the same module by any other users.

Approval workflow in Precoro is set up according to location/department access for each user. Thus, users with access to one specific location/department will be able to see the documents created only by creators of the same role. 

Users with approval workflow receive emails informing them that they have documents to approve. 

This allows the controlling of purchases and expenses within a specific location.

Information about the Approval Workflow setup can be found in this article.

5. Payment Role

In Precoro, the Payment Role can be granted to any user, and it allows creating payment documents to track whether a respective Invoice/Expense was paid or not. Also, users with this role can see all invoices and expenses in the Pending and Draft Statuses available to them according to their CFDs and Locations access.

Accountants and financial managers usually have Payment Roles in Precoro. Often, the same users have approval functionality roles for Invoices/Expenses as well. 

6. Budget Role

Users with Budget Roles can create Budgets and track the company’s spending against the defined Budget. It helps to view over-expenditure and understand how much funds can still be used for the specific department/location/expense.

 7. Report Role

Users with Report Roles can see the Order analysis of all Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, and Invoices. Such an overview is helpful for company audits and for analysing procurement metrics.

8. Super User Role

Users with these Roles can access all the documents according to their Locations and CFD access. They can View, Approve, Reject, Revise, and Cancel all such documents.

Also, they can edit the Emails of other registered Users and take over the document Revision from another User.

More insights about using a Super User Role can be found here.