Switching to US-Based Server — Guide to OCR Update

This article is only relevant to those US-based clients who have decided to switch to the app.precoro.us server. Please find all the information regarding this migration here.

Please take a moment to review the following updates and take the necessary steps on your end to ensure a seamless transition:

1. Update the Records
 with the new OCR inbox email address.

We will help you change the inbox email address designated for receiving OCR attachments.

The new email format for sending OCR-related documents must be the following: YourCompanyName@email.precoro.us

Our team will help you with getting a new email set up.

Please update your records accordingly and ensure all future OCR attachments are sent to this new address.

2. Inform Your Suppliers and Clients 
about the change in the OCR email to ensure they direct their future correspondence accordingly.

The OCR settings will be automatically transferred to your new account. There are no actions required from your side concerning this change. Our team has taken care of all the necessary adjustments to ensure a seamless transition.

 Adjust Any Automatic Redirects in your email to reflect the new OCR inbox email.

If you currently have any automatic redirects set up from your mailbox to ours, it is crucial to update these settings to reflect the new inbox address. This will prevent any disruptions in receiving and processing your documents.

4. Review Condition Notes and Suppliers Note
 in your account settings for any mentions of the AP inbox email and update if necessary.

We recommend checking if you have the correct email address for the Accounts Payable (AP) Inbox mentioned in your Terms and Conditions. If any updates are required, please adjust accordingly. 

Visit this Knowledge Base article that will help you with that process.