Supplier Receipt Number

You can add a Supplier Receipt # to gain greater clarity and control over documents in Precoro. The Supplier Receipt # can include numbers, letters, and symbols.


Where the Supplier Receipt # Is Displayed

  • Receipt list 
  • Receipt document page
  • PDF / XLSX documents.

How to Add a Supplier Receipt #

  • You can add a Supplier Receipt # while creating a Receipt:

  • The Supplier Receipt # will be displayed on the Receipt page: 

Please note: Supplier Receipt # is checked for duplicates. You can't create Receipts with identical Supplier Receipt numbers for the same supplier. You can turn this feature off in Configurations →  Basic SettingsReceiptsWarn if Supplier Receipt # is duplicated.

How to Search by Supplier Receipt Number in Document Lists

1. Open the Receipts management page.

2. Click Advanced Filters.

3. Enter a number in the Supplier Receipt # field and press Filter results.

Where the Supplier Receipt # Is Displayed in PDF / XLSX Receipts

The Supplier Receipt # is also displayed in PDF / XLSX Receipts: