Shipping Item Type

See how you can quickly and efficiently add Shipping to your documents.


Ways to Create New Shipping Items

From the Item Management Page

  1. Click the Add Item button and enter the needed information.
  2. Select the Shipping option in the Item Type column and save the created record. 
  3. This item can be added to documents through the Catalog for future use (available for Invoices, POs, PRs, RFPs, and Service Orders).

Shipping items can be free of charge or also have a negative price.

Directly from the Document Page

You can add an unlimited number of Shipping items to the document or create a document with only these items. Here is how:

  1. Open a Purchase Requisition, Invoice, Purchase Order, or custom form for these document types.
  2. Click the Add Shipping button in the item row.
  3. Fill out the fields. You can also add taxes to the Shipping item.

Here are the tax rules for Shipping items:

  • If the document has a Tax set at the document level, it will automatically apply to the Shipping item, and the Tax Sum will be calculated the same way as for regular goods.
  • You can manually edit the Shipping item to adjust or remove the Tax if necessary.
  • Even with the Required Taxes for Items setting enabled, you can save a Shipping Item without Tax, even if the document contains only Shipping items.


To make items in the document easy to identify, the Shipping Item Type will always be displayed with a corresponding shipping icon.

Adding Shipping Items to Order Documents

  • The Add Shipping button is available for Orders in the following statuses: Draft for purchasers, In Revision for the purchasers or approvers, and Pending for the approvers. You can also add the previously created Shipping item from the Catalog.

Shipping items cannot be received. When you create a Receipt for a PO, they are automatically excluded from the list of items to receive.

The Purchase Order is automatically completed if all the regular items are received (except for the non-receivable ones), invoiced, and paid (all items have to be paid, including the non-receivable ones). 
You can manually complete a Purchase Order once all received items are paid, even if the receipt amount is less than the invoice total.
  • Documents containing only non-receivable items (like Tax and Shipping) will always have the “Not Received” status as these items do not require receiving. 
    To have the “Partly Received” or “Received” status, the document must contain at least one item that can be received.

    Status 2

    PO contains only non-receivable paid items.
    Status 1 PO contains receivable and can include non-receivable items. All items are paid.

Service Orders

  • In Service Orders, the Can Be Received field will be set to No by default.
  • Shipping items are always added as individual lines and cannot be split (the Service Order functionality).

Blanket Orders

  • In Blanket PO per Total, the Add Shipping button is not available. However, you can add Shipping items to related Invoices, which will be automatically transferred from Invoice to BPO.
  • In Blanket PO per Items, the Add Shipping button is available and has the same working logic as the standard PO.

Adding Shipping Items to Invoice Documents

  • The Add Shipping button is available in Invoices in the following statuses: Draft for issuers and In Revision for issuers or approvers. You can also add the previously created Shipping item from the Catalog.

Also, the Shipping items can be added to the related Credit Notes.

Adding Shipping items to an Invoice from a PO will not cause Matching, even if the TL is exceeded. Such items will be automatically transferred to the PO after the Invoice is confirmed, and the amounts in the PO will be updated (including cases where the documents were OCR processed).

Adding Shipping Items to Purchase Requisition Documents

The Add Shipping button is available in PRs in the following statuses: Draft for issuers and In Revision for issuers or approvers. You can also add the previously created Shipping item from the Catalog.

Additional Important Information

  • If a Shipping item has already been created in the Catalog when a document was processed by OCR and the item is recognized, it will be added to the document as the Shipping type one.
  • If a Shipping item has already been added to the Precoro Catalog when a document was created from Amazon, Staples, or Home Depot, we will recognize and match it.
  • If you add a new item line to the document using the Add button and enter the SKU and Name of the existing Shipping item in the Catalog, that item will be marked and recorded in the document as Shipping type one.