Build reports with data from Service Orders to build analytics and further continue the information processing.
When working with Service Order documents, you can build needed reports, analyze your data, and export it to external systems such as Google Sheets (with which you can set up an integration) or Excel to continue the information processing.
Build a Preconfigured Report with Service Order Data
In the preconfigured Purchase Order Export by Items report, you can find the following useful fields:
- Received (Amount) — Net Total of the received amount.
- Waiting (Amount) — Net Total of the not yet received amount.
- Invoiced (Amount) — Net Total of the amount for which Invoices were created.
- Waiting for the Invoice Creation (Amount) — Net Total of the amount for which Invoices are yet to be created.
The Service Period is displayed in the report with two dates, as follows:
Start Date — the start date of the Service Period.
Delivery Date — the end date of the Service Period.
Build a Custom Report with Service Order Data
In a Custom report with a Purchase Order document type, you can find the following useful fields:
Items Section
- Item Total Received, Item Currency/Item Total Received, Company Currency — The net total of the received amount.
- Item Total Waiting, Item Currency/Item Total Waiting, Company Currency — The net total of the not yet received amount.
- Item Net Total Invoiced, Item Currency/Item Net Total Invoiced, Company Currency — The net total amount for which invoices have been created.
- Item Gross Total Invoiced, Item Currency/Item Gross Total Invoiced, Company Currency — The gross total of invoiced amount, including applicable taxes.
- Item Net Total Uninvoiced, Item Currency/Item Net Total Uninvoiced, Company Currency — The net total of the not yet invoiced amount, excluding taxes.
- Item Gross Total Uninvoiced, Item Currency/Item Gross Total Uninvoiced, Company Currency — The gross total of the not yet invoiced amount, including applicable taxes.
General Section
- Start Date — the start date of the Service Period.
- End Date — the end date of the Service Period.
In a Custom report with a Receipt document type, you can find the following useful fields:
Items Section
- Item Total Received, Item Currency/Item Total Received, Company Currency — Net Total of the received amount.
In a Custom report with an Invoice document type, you can find the following useful fields:
Items Section
- Item Total Received, Item Currency/Item Total Received, Company Currency — Net Total of the received amount.
- Item Total Waiting, Item Currency/Item Total Waiting, Company Currency — Net Total of the not yet received amount.