Report Export to Google Sheets Based on Schedule

Advantages of Scheduling a Report to Google Sheets

  • You will have automated report generation on a daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly basis.
  • No need to log in to Precoro, filter, and export your reports.

How to Configure a Report Export

1. Connect your Google account

Open the Profile Settings → click on the Google Sheet tab → press Sign in with Google.

2. Create a saved filter for the report and then create a schedule

  1. Open the report page, add the necessary filters, and click on Save filter.

Please note: Do not use the date filter when saving it. You will have a schedule based on delivery/create/issue/payment dates.

2. Click on Schedule report and fill out the form.

You can schedule any report on a quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily basis. 

On all Precoro domains, reports will be automatically generated at 2:55 UTC.

The time zone settings in your company do not affect this default setting.

You can also share the reports with your colleagues just by putting their emails into the Share report with field. To share the report with several people, list their email addresses separated by commas.