Power BI Troubleshooting

Learn how to troubleshoot and resolve common Power BI integration issues like API limits, access errors, and connector visibility problems.


429 Too Many Requests Error

This error occurs when you exceed the Precoro API limits due to excessive queries from Power BI. It typically happens when queries lack filters, causing Power BI to pull an excessive amount of data.

429 Error


  • Wait for the API limit to reset, then execute targeted queries.
  • Set up incremental data updates in Power BI to reduce the number of queries.

Access to the Resource is Forbidden Error

This error occurs when authorization credentials (email and token) are entered incorrectly during the company connection process.

Access to Resource is Forbidden

Access Forbidden


  • Reconnect using the correct email and API token.
  • Make sure the credentials belong to a user with access to the relevant company in Precoro.

Refer to the Using API in Precoro article for detailed token generation instructions.

Connector Not Displayed in the List of Available Ones

This issue can occur if:

  • The connector file is in the wrong folder. Ensure the path is exactly:
    C:\Users\[userName]\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors\.
  • Power BI was downloaded from the app store. Subsequently, folder names and paths may differ, causing compatibility issues.


Data Sources Not Saved, Requiring Reintegration Each Time

This happens when you’re not logged into your Power BI account.


  • Create an official Power BI account by registering on their website.
  • Log into your account using the desktop version of Power BI. This way, all configurations will be saved, eliminating the need to recreate reports.

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