Custom Fields for Items and Documents FAQs

In this article, you will find the answers to the most frequent questions as well as links to additional useful materials.


Why Are They Needed?

All companies have a procurement history with data. Accordingly, the procurement data should be analyzed.

Companies analyze their spending by various parameters to make a correct business decision. 

Procurement data helps answer a couple of business questions:

  • With what suppliers do we work, and what supplier relationships are risky?
  • On which categories have we spent the most?
  • Which departments/projects take a larger part of a budget?
  • Are we under or over budget?
  • What types of Expenses do we have?

If you want to see your procurement data that way, you can use Custom Fields for Items and Documents.

The main difference between Custom Fields for Items and Documents:

  • Custom Fields for Items are assigned to items. Usually, this is a list of Charts of Accounts/Cost Centers or other custom fields. They can be used in your items from the catalog and budgets.
  • Custom Fields for Documents are assigned to users and documents. Usually, this is a list of Departments/Projects or other custom fields. They can be used in your documents, budgets, approvals, and access limitations.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you need to see option codes when approving documents?

If yes, enter the codes for your options, check the Show Option Code setting, and press the Update button below.

The codes will be visible on the document pages.

    • Do you need to hide some Custom Fields for Documents from certain users?

    In Precoro, you can configure access to Custom Fields for Documents for each user individually.

    Go to the Configuration → User Management → Open User Edit page → Available Custom Fields for Documents tab.

    There, you can select the needed fields by checking them. When you are done with the settings, press the Update button below.

    You can also use Custom Fields to specify the following:

    • Purchase Order type/purpose/category
    • Which customer the Purchase Order is for
    • Quotations 
    • Type of Material
    • Validity Date
    • Item Brand 
    • Any other Date / Text / Select custom fields that can help you to add necessary information to documents.

    Please note that all values of Custom Fields for Documents will be copied from the original document. Thus, if you create an Invoice from a Purchase Order, the Custom Fields will be copied from the Invoice to the Purchase Order.

    Additional Useful Materials

    • To read more about the functionality of Custom Fields for Documents, follow this link.
    • To learn how to set up Custom Fields for Documents, follow this link.
    • To read how to set up Custom Fields for Items, follow this link.