How to Set Up the Inventory

Inventory Management software enables businesses to keep track of their stock balance.

Precoro allows your employees to select products directly from company stock.


Inventory Process Scheme in Precoro

Below is a scheme of the Process you can create in Precoro:

How to Set Up the Inventory

1. Define which employees to involve:

  • Who can request products from the warehouse?
  • Who is responsible for transferring goods and tracking the stock balance?
  • Who will purchase the products if the stock balance is not enough?
2. Enable the following software modules in Precoro:
  • Warehouse Request
  • Inventory
  • Receipts (to ensure that the ordered goods are added to the Warehouse automatically).
3. Set up the required user roles:
  • Warehouse Request
  • Warehouse Manager
  • Receipts
  • Purchase Order.

4. Add a list of your Warehouses, and start filling them with items.

To quickly search for all items at once across all warehouses without having to open them use the search feed. The search is performed even by partial match and is carried out by SKUItem Name, and Description


5. Add the Stock Balance to your Warehouse.

6. You can start creating Warehouse Request documents.

7. Add, manage, and work with your Stock Transfer.