How to Create an Inventory Report


An Inventory Report reflects data regarding stock balance and purchases for a certain period.

Inventory Report provides insights into:

  • How the warehouse balance has changed during a period
  • Requests and Purchases / Transfers (depending on the type of the request: Purchase Requisition or Warehouse Request)
  • Orders / Items Received or to be received.

How to Create an Inventory Report

To create a new report, follow the steps below:

To be able to see and create Inventory reports, you should have access to Reports and Warehouse Manager roles.

1. Open the Reports module and click the Inventory Report button.

2. Choose the Creation Date range and the Warehouse needed.

3. Press Run Report and then Export to receive the file in XLXS format.

Inventory Report Column Explanations


Column Name Definition

Start Balance

 The item quantity that is initially in a warehouse.

Transfers Goods-In

Shows how many items were posted to a warehouse via stock transfers (by warehouse requests) and receipts.

Transfers Goods-Out

Shows how many items were transferred from a warehouse via stock transfers (by warehouse requests) and inventory consumptions.

Stock Changes for the Whole Period

Shows the quantity of manually changed stock balance.

End Balance

The total final quantity of the item. Taking into account Goods In, Goods Out, and Manual Stock adjustments.

Warehouse Request

Shows how many items were added to a Warehouse Request document.


Purchase Requisition

Shows how many items were added to a Purchase Requisition document.

Purchase Requisitions Waiting for Purchase Order Creation

Shows how many items in the Purchase Requisition document are waiting for the Purchase Order document creation.

Not Transferred

Shows how many items were not transferred and posted to any of the warehouses.

Waiting for the Delivery

Shows if there are ordered items that have not been received yet.

The Ordered

Shows the total quantity of items you have ordered for a specific period.