How to Create Purchase Orders from Requisitions


In Precoro you can create Purchase Orders from the respectively created requisition documents such as Purchase Requisitions and Requests for Proposals.

The type of the related document can be identified on the PO from Requisitions creation page in their respective columns:

More information on creating POs for each document type can be found in the article below.

How to Create a Purchase Order from Purchase Requisitions Automatically

Please see this article with instructions on how to set up and build an automated Purchase Order from Purchase Requisition creation.

How to Create a Purchase Order from Purchase Requisitions Manually

  1. Open the Purchase Order module in the left-side menu and click the PO from the Requisitions button.
  2. There, you can see that requisitions are allocated by suppliers automatically, and you can create a PO from 1, 2, or even 100 requests (but specific to one location/shipping address and one supplier).
    On the right, click “+” in front of the supplier you want to create a PO for. 
  3. Select the items to add to the Purchase Order, then click Next Step.
  4. Fill out the required Delivery Date and Location/Shipping Address, if needed. Include the contract with the supplier, assign the budget, and click Create.

5. Check if the items’ details are correct while the Purchase Order is in the Draft status.
  • If they require any adjustments, click the Edit button on the right side of the item line and modify the necessary fields.
  • If there are any items that you do not want to order, you can remove them from the PO using the Remove (red bin) button.
  • If you need to include any additional items in your order, you can use the Add Item or Add Empty Row buttons.

Please note that any identical items will be consolidated as one, and you will not be able to decrease the number of items because they have already been approved.

Once ready to proceed, click the Confirm button.

6. As soon as the Purchase Order is submitted, it will be sent for approval to the authorized users. Once the PO is approved, it can be sent to the Supplier.

How to Create a Purchase Order from Request for Proposals

1. Open the Purchase Order module in the left-side menu and click the PO from Requisitions button.

2. There, you can see that requisitions are allocated by suppliers automatically, and you can create a PO from 1, 2, or even 100 requests (but specific to one location/shipping address and one supplier). There you can also see the document numbers in the respective columns indicating that the document type is Request for Proposals.
On the right, click “+” in front of the respective supplier for whom you want to create a PO.

3. Select the items you want to add to the Purchase Order, then click Next Step.

4. Fill out the required Delivery Date and Location/Shipping Address, if needed. Include the contract with the supplier, assign the budget, and click Create.

5. Check if the items’ details are correct while the Purchase Order is in the Draft status.

  • If they require any adjustments, click the Edit button on the right side of the item line and modify the necessary fields.
  • If there are any items that you do not want to order, you can remove them from the PO using the Remove (red bin) button.
  • If you need to include any additional items in your order, you can use the Add Item or Add Empty Row buttons.

Please note that any identical items will be consolidated as one, and you will not be able to decrease the number of items because they have already been approved.

Once ready to proceed, click the Confirm button.

6. As soon as the Purchase Order is submitted, it will be sent for approval to the authorized users. Once the PO is approved, it can be sent to the Supplier.

Automatic Delivery Date Filling

The Delivery Date information will be automatically filled in to avoid unnecessary routine work.

When we create Purchase Orders (PO) from Requisitions and select the items to include in the PO, we see the Delivery Date field in the information about those items:

  • If you create a Purchase Order from Purchase Requisition, the Delivery Date from the Related Documents/Delivery Date column in the item line (the date that the Supplier has stated in the Request for Proposal) will be automatically filled.

Please note that this applies only to those Purchase Requisitions with related Requests for Proposal documents.

  • In case you create a Purchase Order from Request for Proposal, then in the Delivery Date item line field, the system will automatically fill in the Delivery Date set in the RFP document (and not a general Desired Delivery Date from Request for Proposal).

How to Change the Item Quantity in Purchase Orders Created from Requisitions

When creating a new Purchase Order document from Purchase Requisition, you can change the number of ordered items and order less than was originally requested.

Only users with Creator roles in Purchase Order and Purchase Requisition modules can use this function.

You can change the item quantity at the following stages:

  • When editing items in the Purchase Order, provided that the document has Draft or In Revision statuses.

In the Purchase Requisition document, you can see the Waiting parameter in the item line. It shows how many items are still available for order:

Waiting = Requested – Rejected – Ordered.