How to Add/Invite a User and Set Up the User’s Access


Precoro provides even greater value when your colleagues are involved.

The process of adding new users to your company depends on the type of your Account:

Single Company Account

To invite a colleague, follow the steps below on the ConfigurationUser Management page:

1. Click on the Invite User button.

2. Enter the email address.

3. Click the Next Step.

4. Enter the requested info about your colleague.

5. The following steps will help you set up the user’s permission to operate within the process: 
  • Choose a Location(s) available to the user. You can use the mass actions to help you speed up the process.

More information about the Mass Actions in User Management can be found in this article below.

  • Choose Document Custom Fields (Departments, Projects, etc.) you wish to make available to your colleague.

  • Define the Roles by marking those roles and the functions associated with your colleagues concerning their functional responsibilities.

More information about Roles in Precoro can be found in this article.

You can also use the Search functionality when creating new or editing the existing User Profile on the Locations and Document Custom Fields tabs. To start the search press the icon and enter the needed information.
The search will be performed by the option Name or Code throughout all the available companies.

6. Click Invite. The invited user will receive an email asking them to create a Precoro password. After setting up the password, the user will be redirected to their Precoro account.

You can also manage invitations:

  • Resend the invitations if needed.

  • Edit the email if there are typos.

  • See who has not accepted your invitation yet.

Multi-Company Account

To invite a colleague to one of your companies in a multi-company account, follow the steps below on the ConfigurationUser Management page:

1. Click on the Invite User button.

2. Enter the email address.

3. Select the needed companies by checking them or use the Select All mass action.

4. Click the Next Step button.

In a multi-company account, you will see the Available Companies for the user listed on the right. The user’s main info would be already predefined, as it is shared between all the companies.

You can assign the appropriate Locations, Document Custom Fields, and Roles to this user in all the listed companies (see steps 4-6 for the Single Company Account).

Use the Mass Actions in User Management to help you speed up the process.


5. Press Invite User from Other Company / Invite. The invited user will receive an email with further instructions.

Mass Actions in User Management

Use the following mass actions to speed up the process of adding new users or editing the existing ones.
  • For multi-companies, you can add, edit, and deactivate user access in all companies at once. As well as select and appoint a Substitute User for all available companies at once for the deactivated user:
  • Access to All — can at once grant and revoke access to all Locations and Document Custom Fields options in a specific company.

This function works even when the user has partial access to the options without having Access to All.

  • Select All can at once grant and revoke access to specific Locations and Document Custom Fields options.

  • Apply to All Companies — this can help you automatically duplicate the specific set of User Roles, Locations, and Document Custom Fields and apply them to all available companies.

You can also use a filter that will help you quickly manage user access to the options, sorting them by the necessary parameter.

You can find the filter in the User’s profiles in tabs for Document Custom Fields, Locations, and Product Groups (if your company uses this functionality). The filter is, by default, set to Show All Options. Click on the filter to see other available choices: Checked and Unchecked Only.

Additional Ability to Grant Access to View Only Self-Created Documents When Creating New Related Ones

You can additionally grant access to view only self-created documents when creating new related ones, find the needed settings in the Configurations → Basic Settings → Document Setup → General Settings → View Only Self-Created Documents.

By default, this checkbox is turned off. If the checkbox is activated, users will be able to View and Create related documents only from the documents they have initiated.

Please note that if users have the Approve roles, they will see all the documents available to them by DCF and Locations.

User Actions When Registering

After you have configured the access and roles, the user will receive an email with an invitation and instructions to:

After all the steps above have been successfully finished, the user can start working with Precoro!

Two-Factor Authentification Security

When adding new or editing the existing users you can configure the two-factor authentication which will help protect Precoro accounts from hackers and identity theft.

Configure the Two-Factor Authentication in Precoro following the instructions in the article.

Tracking User Information

You can use the Advanced and Fast Filters as well as the Search function on the User Management page to quickly sort out and find the information you are looking for.

Track and Re-Send the Undelivered Letters to the Company Users

You can conveniently track the undelivered letters to the company users and quickly re-send the invitation if needed:

The Bounced Letters Status — Failed

You will see the Failed status for the undelivered invitations to new users.

The Infocard

  • Undelivered Invitations — will help you filter out users with Failed invitation sending status.

By using the infocard and status, you can quickly identify those who did not receive the letter and make another attempt by clicking the Resend button on the Action panel.

Save and Set as Default Filters on the User Management Page

You can save and set your custom filtering parameters as default. This functionality will save you time and eliminate manual routine work.

How to save filters on the advanced filters page

1. Open the advanced filters page.

2. Select the necessary filtering parameters.

3. Click the Save current filter button below.

4. Enter the filter Name, and if needed, check the Use as a default setting.

Having set the default filter will allow you to refresh the page or work on other pages, and when you return, the set default filter will still be running.

Please note that you cannot have more than one default filter set on a page.

You can click Apply filter for another filter, and it will be applied, but after refreshing the page or switching to other pages, the default filter will be re-applied until you click the Reset All Filters button.

How to save filters on the fast filters panel

1. Select the needed parameters on the fast filters panel.

2. Click the Save filter button on the right.

You can see and manage all your saved filters in the Saved Filters tab on the advanced filters page.

3. Enter the filter Name, and if needed, check the Use as a default setting.

Utilize Infocard Filters

There are also Infocard filters you can see and utilize on this page, for example:

  • No User Access To Required DCF, with the help of which you will be able to quickly identify users who do not have access to any options in one or all of the required Document Custom Fields in your company.

To promptly fix those issues:

1. Open the User Management page and click on the No User Access To Required DCF Infocard.

If you do not see the No User Access To Required DCF Infocard, then all your users have access to the required DCFs, and there is no need to correct their rights.

2. You will see the list of users who need access modifications. Open their profiles in the editing mode and provide them with the necessary Document Custom Fields options.

3. Save the changes made, and those users will have all the needed accesses for continuing the working process with documents.

Additionally to the Infocard filter, to help you keep all these issues in check, all the Configurators will receive the letter every Monday. The letter will only be sent in case there are problematic users in your company who lack the needed DCF access.

Also, if your company has an active integration with our partners and you have Integrated Company Users. In that case, there will be a corresponding display that will quickly allow you to assess which user is part of the integration: