NetSuite Purchase Orders Integration

This article will help you understand how the integration of Purchase Orders works.


How to Set Up the Purchase Orders Integration

To set up the Purchase Orders integration:

  • Open the NetSuite integration page.

  • In the Documents to Send field, select the Approved Purchase Orders.

  • Press the Save button to confirm changes.

You can integrate the Approved Purchase Orders and Receipts, too. To do that, select this type of form in the Documents to Send field. Find more information on this type of integration here.

In NetSuite, the Purchase Order will be integrated into the TransactionsPurchases Enter Purchase OrdersList.

Send Pending Purchase Order to NetSuite

You can also send the documents with
Pending Status to NetSuite.

To activate this feature, please contact our Support Team, who will happily assist you on the matter.

This feature will work for the chosen Purchase Order integration document type.

It will be available for users with the following Roles:

  • Create and Approve Roles for Purchase Orders.

When the document acquires Approved Status, the current system logic will work out, and the document will be automatically sent to NetSuite.

Integrated Fields and Data

In Purchase Order, the synchronization of all the fields works by the one-way method. Therefore, the documents created in Precoro will be transferred into NetSuite.

Primary information mapping

Fields in Precoro Fields in NetSuite
Purchase Order # PO #
Supplier Vendor
Creation Date Date
Net Total Total
User Employee
Note Memo

Notes from Precoro are integrated into NetSuite into the Memo field with the text and direct link to the Purchase Order.

Classification mapping

Fields in Precoro Fields in NetSuite
Location/Shipping Address Location
Order currency Currency
Custom Fields for Documents — NetSuite Departments Department
Custom Fields for Documents — NetSuite Classes Class

Attachments integration

In NetSuite, Attachments are transferred to the Files tab:

Information on whether the attachment is internal or external does not transfer to NetSuite.

Items integration

General information on the item’s integration can be found here.

When integrating Purchase Orders items, you should consider the way of adding them.

  • If the items were added from the Item Management using the Add Item button, and the items were previously integrated, they will be displayed in the Items tab in NetSuite.

Only previously integrated items will be transferred into the Items section in NetSuite.

In case you have added non-integrated items from the Item Management list, they will still be integrated into the Expenses section.

  • If the items were added manually using the Add empty row button, they will be displayed in the Expenses tab in NetSuite.

Mapping of the manually added items

Fields in Precoro Fields in NetSuite
Name Memo
Price Amount
Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Chart of Accounts Account
Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Departments


Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Classes Class
Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Customers Customer/Project
Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Locations Location

Mapping of the items added from the Item Management list

Fields in Precoro Fields in NetSuite
Name Item
Ordered/Unit Quantity
Price Amount
Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Departments Department
Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Classes Class
Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Customers Customer/Project
Custom Fields for Items — NetSuite Locations Location

Integration of the Custom Fields for Documents and Items

General information on the integration of Classes, Customers and Projects, Locations, Charts of Accounts, and Departments can be found by the corresponding links.

  • Chart of Accounts is integrated as the Custom Fields for Items only.
  • Classes can be integrated both as Custom Fields for Items and Documents.
  • Customers and Projects are integrated as the Custom Fields for Items only.

Character Limits for Purchase Orders Fields in NetSuite

In NetSuite, you cannot enter more symbols than the system allows. The character limits are as follows:

  • Memo = 999 symbols
  • Item quantity = 10 symbols
  • Item description = 4000 symbols.

Other Purchase Orders Integration Features

How to integrate the document’s Purchase Order number

  • If you have the custom numbering for Purchase Orders in Precoro, the custom Purchase Order # will be sent to NetSuite.

  • If you do not have the custom numbering, the usual (auto-generated) document number will be sent.

Document cancellation in Precoro

If you cancel the document in Precoro, it will be automatically removed from NetSuite.

Can documents be sent to NetSuite if the integration is off?

If you turn the integration off, the documents will not be sent to NetSuite.

If you wish to send the documents when the integration is off to NetSuite, you can do it manually by pressing the Send to NetSuite button.