Currency Change for Different Purchase Order Types

You will find information regarding the currency change in various PO types: BPO, SO, Recurring, POs from Requisitions, and POs with related documents. You will learn how and in which cases you can change the currency and what it will lead to.


After the creation and document approval, you might need to change the currency for a variety of reasons:

  • When creating the document, mistakes were made in the currency field.
  • It is unclear yet which currency the transaction should be made with initially, and you will need to update it.
  • It is necessary to replace the Supplier, which entails a change of currency.

In all those cases described above, you can proceed and replace the currency in the existing document instead of canceling the current one and creating a new one.

General Currency Changing Logic for All PO Types

Please note that in the document, we can have two types of Total:

Total in the Document Currency — shows the currency selected for the particular document. 

Total in the Main Company Currency — this is the main currency you have chosen for your company in the Basic Settings.

Also, it could be useful to see how the Currency Exchange Rates and Rounding Settings work in Precoro.

You can edit the currency for Standard, Service, Blanket, Repeated, and Orders from Purchase Requisitions by using the Edit Purchase Order button regardless of whether the items were added to the document in the following statuses:

  • Draft — the edits can be done by the current purchaser of the document.
  • Pending — the edits can be done by the current purchaser of the document and the approver.
  • In Revision — the edits can be done by the person who has the document under revision. This can be the document’s purchaser or approver.

Here are the three types of cases when the currency is changed:

Case 1 What will be changed
If the non-main company currency was changed to another non-main currency. Item currency will be updated. Item Prices, Discounts, Tax values, and Total in the Document Currency will remain unchanged. 

The document’s Total will be recalculated in the main currency due to the change in the exchange rate.

Case 2 What will be changed
If the non-main company currency was changed to the main currency.

Item currency and price will remain unchanged. Item prices will be converted to the main currency. Discounts and Tax values will be recalculated.
The Total in the document currency will remain unchanged.

You can edit the Item currency as well, as shown in the recording below.

Case 3 What will be changed
If the main company currency was changed to the non-main currency.

Item currency will be updated. Item price will remain unchanged. Discounts, Tax values, and Total in the Document Currency will be recalculated. The document’s Total will be recalculated in the main currency.

After the change, you will see a flash message prompting you to check the updated information. The data will also be adjusted in budget expenditures after the currency change when the statuses Pending, In Revision, or Approved are set.

If you have selected the Main Company Currency as the Document Currency, all calculations will be made only in this currency. If the selected currency for the document is not the main one, the document’s Total will be converted in accordance with the Main Company Currency.

Please note the following cases when you cannot edit the currency:

  • If a PO is in the Matching, Approved, or Completed status, the currency cannot be changed. But if needed, you can take the document In Revision to make the edits.
  • If a PO has a related Invoice in any status, you will not be able to edit the currency either on the document or item level. The exception is an Invoice in the Cancelled or Rejected status.
  • If the PO was generated based on the integration with Afaxys or Amazon, editing the currency is not allowed in any document status.

In case you have a set integration with an acquiring system and you changed the currency:

According to your integration settings, when the document gets an Approved status, it will be sent for integration, and changes to the item Total will be automatically transferred to the acquiring system. The conditions for updating documents on the side of the partnering accounting systems remain unchanged.

Currency Change for the Service Order

If an SO has a related Receipt in any status, you will not be able to edit the currency either on the document or item level. The exception is a Receipt in the Cancelled or Rejected status.

In all other cases, the logic of editing a standard PO is applied.

Currency Change for the Purchase Orders Created from Purchase Requisitions

When creating a PO from Requisition, you can edit the currency field and choose any currency available for the selected Supplier. Also, please note that if the PR was created through Afaxys, you cannot edit the currency when creating a PO.

Case 1 What will be changed
If the main company currency was selected as the document currency in the PO

Item price and currency will be transferred unchanged from PR.
Item prices will be converted to the company’s main currency. The document Total in PO will be calculated in the main currency.

Case 2 What will be changed
If the non-main company currency was selected as the document currency in the PO

Item price will be transferred unchanged from PR. Item currency will be changed to the one selected in the PO.

Currency Change for the Repeated Purchase Orders

By default:

  • The Supplier and currency from the parent document are transferred to the repeated one.
  • Item’s price and currency are copied from the parent document to the repeated one.
  • The document Total is copied and transferred as the Main Company and Document Currencies accordingly.

You can change the document currency to any currency available for the selected Supplier.

Currency Change for Custom Purchase Orders

You can change the currency for the Purchase Order Custom Form Types.

This new feature will come in handy for those who are using the Custom Forms functionality.

The logic for changing the currency remains the same as for the corresponding standard documents.